Test Quiz ECS Card – Reporting Accidents

You should have a basic understanding of:
• The need to report injuries, accidents, certain diseases and dangerous occurrences to the Health and
Safety Executive
• Why you must report accidents to your employer
• The need to record in the accident book all accidents that cause any injury whatsoever
• What reportable injuries, dangerous occurrences and reportable diseases are.



What should you ensure if you suffer an injury through a manual handling operation?

Correct! Wrong!

Why should a serious accident be reported to the enforcing authority?

Correct! Wrong!

What immediate action should you take if you suffer an injury through carrying a load?

Correct! Wrong!

Under RIDDOR, which one of the following must be reported to the enforcing authority?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following has the power to examine an accident record?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following should be recorded in the accident book following an accident?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following accounts for most accidents each year on construction sites?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is NOT classified as a specified injury to a worker under RIDDOR?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following should you do if you witness a serious accident on site?

Correct! Wrong!

A workmate tells you that he witnessed an accident the previous day and the victim was taken to hospital. He asks you for advice on what he should do. Do you tell him to:

Correct! Wrong!

If a person at work suffers an injury (other than a specified injury) due to an accident at work, it is reportable under RIDDOR if they are incapacitated for work for:

Correct! Wrong!

What must an employer do with their accident records following completion of a construction project?

Correct! Wrong!

At work who would you report a dangerous occurrence to?

Correct! Wrong!

Following a reportable dangerous occurrence when must the enforcing authority be informed?

Correct! Wrong!

Accidents causing any injury should always be recorded in:

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of the following is classified as a reportable occupational disease under RIDDOR?

Correct! Wrong!

When a person is injured at work, who should enter the details in the accident book?

Correct! Wrong!

If you are involved in a minor accident at work, whose duty is it to report it to site management?

Correct! Wrong!

You have suffered an accident at work which has made you incapable of your normal work for over 7 days. Which of the following actions MUST be taken by your employer?

Correct! Wrong!

The collapse of scaffolding is only notifiable to the enforcing authority as a reportable dangerous occurrence when the scaffolding is which one of the following?

Correct! Wrong!

If there is a fatal accident on site, when must the Health and Safety Executive be informed?

Correct! Wrong!

Under which of the following circumstances should an accident be recorded in the site’s accident book?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following have to be entered into the accident book?

Correct! Wrong!

Under which of the following circumstances must injury accidents be recorded in the accident book?

Correct! Wrong!

An entry must be made in the accident book when:

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following MUST be recorded in an accident book after you have had an accident?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following can you learn from an accident?

Correct! Wrong!

Could making an entry in the accident book help you if you later make a claim for compensation?

Correct! Wrong!

Why is it important to report ’near miss’ accidents to your employer?

Correct! Wrong!

Who should you report serious accidents to?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the aim of carrying out an accident investigation?

Correct! Wrong!

You have witnessed a serious accident on your site and are interviewed by an HSE inspector.

Correct! Wrong!

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